Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Digital Video

I had a lot of fun making this video. I really don't think students would have a hard time creating a video like this. The movie maker was very easy to operate. I had a bit of difficulty timing my overlays just right but with the atomic videos and our class time I was able to manage. In fact, I was quite proud of myself for figuring it out. One of the things that this class has really impressed on me is that technology doesn't have to be intimidating. I don't think I want to learn HTML code just yet but playing around with the built in tools on my computer has proved very rewarding. I plan to make up a Christmas slide show....as soon as all my other classes are over. I hope you enjoy the video I made.


Jessica W said...

Beautiful. I have never been to Hawaii... so I got to go through your pictures!


Wow lucky! I got to go to Mexico 3 years ago. It was fun. Hawaii would have been awesome though.

We are eventually moving back to Alaska. I am getting my Alaskan Teaching Degree and we have land there. Plus, all of my family is there and some of Jared's.
The grandparents miss the kids to much to keep them away forever.